The amazing journey of these entrepreneurs who succeeded without a degree...
In the world of entrepreneurship, it is common to think that success is reserved for those with prestigious degrees and extensive experience in their...
The management solution applied to the legal management of companies
Among the management approaches newly developed by and for companies to extend their influence, including beyond domestic markets, legal management ranks high. This is...
What is interim management?
The ambition of any promoter is to raise his company to high standards and make it more competitive. Interim management is today an interesting...
Discover a new type of escape game on disability
Disability is not limited to mobility impairment. It also includes several other pathologies such as visual impairment, memory disorders, or even sleep disorders. In...
What is web marketing for?
Marketing, web, communication strategy: all these terms are known to most people who are at least a little interested in digital and numerical communication....
LXP: What you need to know about Learning Experience Platforms
The Learning Experience Platform, also known by the acronym LXP or LEP, is one of the tools used in digital training. While this type...
From static to dynamic: the revolution of advertising screens
Advertising displays have always been the pillar of corporate communication. But in a constantly changing world, it is necessary to innovate. This is how...
The amazing journey of these entrepreneurs who succeeded without a degree...
In the world of entrepreneurship, it is common to think that success is reserved for those with prestigious degrees and extensive experience in their...