Home Morning Quotes good morning my romantic love

good morning my romantic love


A text message to say hello to your sweetheart means a wish of tenderness and an expression of pure and innocent love. A hello my love in SMS is easy to imagine, but if you have no ideas, here are plenty of text models to inspire you:

 There are 7 wonders of the world, 6 continents, 5 ends of the star, 4 cardinal points, 3 oceans of the world, 2 eyes and only one person I love! Hello, my darling!

 Darling, the phone woke you up so you know how much I love you. Sleep, my sunshine!

Dawn has come, morning has come.

The rays of the glass shone.


You woke up. The whole world as if


He became better, cleaner and kinder.

 In the morning you wake up, open your eyes, read this text message and remember that there is a heart in the world that needs you!

 Open your eyes, my beloved baby, I am waiting for you and I hope you will call me!

 Darling, it’s already morning! It’s time to get up and decorate this world with your smile!

 Let the sun in your window remind you of me. And it will say to you: “Beloved, stop sleeping. It’s morning on the street, you must get up!”

 Maybe you won’t answer me this morning, and maybe I’ll be a little upset, but my love will cross thousands of miles of electronic wires and say I love you. Good morning, honey!


 Hello! Wake up and awaken your conscience, and it will remind you of my number! Call me.

 On this truly autumn day, somewhere in the stone jungle of a dark city, a warm, gentle, kind and affectionate heart beats, whose mistress is now reading this SMS. Good morning, my dear!

 Hello, my dear! I’m so bored, it’s irresistible. I kiss you softly and ask you to hug. Hello, I love you!

 I want to hear my heart when I can’t see it, when I can’t hear its voice – I can’t find peace! Where are you my love now? I’m very sad without you!

 Hello my sunshine! Today and as always, you are very beautiful. I admire you and your divine beauty. I kiss you gently.

 Hello, my beloved, extraordinary, gorgeous, brilliant, sexy, unforgettable…! It’s time to open your charming eyes and make the world more beautiful… I miss your devil so much and I love you!

 A good manicure can decorate not only a woman’s gentle hands, but also a man’s face! Hello, my dear.

 You are my dear diamond, I will never take my eyes off you! Hello, my darling.

 The important thing is not what you do on a good day, but what you do on a bad day.

 I used to love summer, but I realized that summer can be any time of the year, if there is money. Now I love money.

 Vasily lived in the subway and every day thousands of women passed by his bed. Have a nice day!

 People don’t fail, they stop trying. No winner believes in chance.

 You can recognize a fool by two signs: he talks a lot about things that are useless to him, and he talks about things that are not asked of him.

 The hero is noticeable in any situation: at home, at work, on a business trip. A real man is a man in everything!




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