Home Management New management methods: a work revolution?

New management methods: a work revolution?


Cap Gemini Consulting in partnership with TNS Sofres publishes a study on the French at work. France is one of the countries where employees are most in demand for managerial changes with 45% of them in a situation of disengagement, but then how to change your management model? Focus on the new management methods to put in place to improve the atmosphere and productivity within your company.

Establish good working conditions

We should not be afraid of the digital revolution and innovations, far from being wary of them and refusing them, the company must use its new tools to improve the working conditions of its employees. Online messaging is a good means of direct communication and allows new proximity within the company, ideal for employees who work from home or in an open-plan office to lower the volume, especially when some are on the phone.

These tools allow you to send documents more quickly and easily and thus increase work efficiency. Other “practical” tools can improve the comfort of your employees, such as a footrest, this object allows people with back problems to relieve tension by positioning themselves better, as well as a comfortable seat or an ergonomic mouse pad. You can also set up a monthly team lunch and regular points where everyone can speak in order to improve communication within the team.


Knowing how to reward efforts

In line with the establishment of good working conditions, you can break the codes of the so-called traditional company by setting up benefits such as an organic canteen or a games room to take a nice break. Thanks to these benefits, the employee feels valued and takes more pleasure in coming to work.

Similarly, seminars, workshops and afterworks help to strengthen corporate cohesion. By increasing employee interactions outside the work context, the team’s complicity and efficiency are strengthened. Work is therefore made easier since understanding and cooperation are more natural. Rewards of this type lead to a productive work dynamic based on satisfaction.


Making your employee’s dream

It is important that the employee feels committed to his company and for this, he must adhere to the vision of his manager, want to live, and realize the “dream” that the company wishes to achieve. Sharing the company’s values ​​is a mark of commitment that is encouraged by local management. It is very present in SMEs where we find the highest level of job satisfaction due to more flexible management which allows in particular:

  • The diversity of missions
  • Flexibility of activities
  • Employee involvement in decisions

Indeed, this type of management allows employees to be mobilized through common objectives. In practice, the manager includes them in the company’s projects to give meaning to their work. For more information on local management.

Taking into account the opinion of your employees in strategic decisions is also a good way to give them back importance so that they feel more involved in their work. Finally, simplifying the decision-making process can increase productivity, operating like a start-up allows for more flexibility and efficiency.



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